Berlin, Prenzlauerberg on Kodak Ektar 100 asa

The last day of our may Berlin trip. We visited Prenzlauerberg. I decided only to shoot analogue and filled my F100 with Kodak Ektar 100 asa expired 10-2011. Here are the results of that day.

Techstuff; Nikon F100, Nikkor 50mm 1.4 g AF-S, Kodak Ektar 100 asa Expired 10-2011, Coolscan LS-40, Photoshop.

Teufelsberg and Hohenschönhausen on Kodak TMax 400.

As promised in my last post, here is the second roll of film. Started at Teufelsberg and finished at Hohenschönhausen. Teufelsberg is an old NATO station used by the americans to listen to the east. Hohenschönhausen is the reason why perhaps? An old Stasi prison which is now a memorial place. The only portrait in the serie is our guide who has been imprisoned there.

Techstuff; Nikon F100, Nikkor 50mm 1.4 g AF-S, Kodak Tmax 400 asa Expired 5-2013, Coolscan LS-40, Photoshop.


Beelitz-Heilstätten (Berlin Brandeburg) on Portra 400 NC very expired.

This may we went on holiday to Berlin. We started of with Film Hotel Lily Marleen in Potsdam on the 18th. Potsdam we wanted to see because the trip before we just saw Sans Souci. Potsdam was ok but not great. But…..Before we came to Potsdam we stopped at Beelitz-Heilstätten for a nice urbex adventure, wich it became! I brought my just bought Olympus E-M10 but also being the the only Nikon gear my F100+50mm 1.4g AF-S. The film was expired unfortunately very expired. I had a lot of work in Photoshop adjusting the scans, but here is the whole series of that filmroll. Hope you can enjoy anyway! I filled 2 more rolls wich i will post soon.

Techstuff; Nikon F100, Nikkor 50mm 1.4 g AF-S, Kodak Portra 400 nc Expired(no clue but not great film no more), Coolscan LS-40, Photoshop.